How to become a peacemaker

We are now on Phase Two of our Interfaith Peacemaker Team Journey!

Our Phase One resulted in training 6500 peacemakers and forming them into 325 Interfaith Peacemaker (IP) Teams in 8 countries. In Phase Two, OMNIA will shift to a Mentoring Method of training. Community Organizers mentored by National Coordinators will seek out 4-5 powerful religious and community leaders and give them a training on the basics of OMNIA's community organizing method. They will also help them build IP Teams in their communities including helping them to do urgent, relevant and winnable actions. When the IP Teams have stabilized, they will find 4-5 more leaders for mentoring.

Phase Two also includes decentralized fundraising. Key leaders from each country are being trained in the art of facilitating philathropy. Eventually, we need all our IP Teams to be free of dependencies on western countries. They are also being trained in state-of-the-art communications and media strategies.  

The journey towards becoming an OMNIA trained Community Organizer starts by participating inour virtual Basic Training. This is not for the faint-hearted. However, it helps participants develop courage and self-confidence to become powerful peacemakers. The training sessions are on 4 Saturdays and meets for 3 hours per session. There will be video sessions and assignments in between. Click here for more information.

Participants must commit to attend all sessions. Since the work of justice and peace can never be done alone, it is necessary that participants commit to participating in an existing one or starting a new Interfaith Peacemaker Team.

Sign up
A room full of individuals with arms locked together, listening to a pastor speak
Rev. Osagyefo Sekou, provided a training on non-violence civil disobedience in the context of Black Lives Matter movement.

Join Us to Dismantle Supremacy

For the past year, OMNIA has engaged in conversations on dismantling supremacy. It included those with varied identities: religious, race/caste/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and nationality. Now we want to deepen that conversation and invite you to join us.

To participate please sign up below, and we will invite you. Please read this draft recommendation that our Advisory Board is working on.

supremacy is a widespread and destructive mindset infused in individuals and systems spanning much of the world, which creates hierarchical structures, as well as social, political and economic systems that lead to oppression, domination and violence; and
Whereas many religions, despite espousing teachings that inculcate egalitarian values, are also caught up in supremacist structures and perpetuate them, contributing to, and participating in the same systems of oppression, domination and violence; and
Whereas supremacy is a substantial obstacle to peacemaking, since anytime one group of human beings decides that they are better than, more worthy than, more capable than, more favored by God than others, collaboration is impeded, and peace is thwarted; and
Whereas during the year 2020-21 OMNIA has engaged in a series of conversations on supremacies such as religious, racial, castist, colonialist, patriarchal and will continue to discuss supremacies over the earth and supremacies over those economically marginalized;
Be it resolved that the OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership declares itself an anti-supremacist organization.

Join training
Dr. Paul Knitter, Ms. Soraya Deen and Dr. Shanta Premawardhana invited the attendees at the Parliament of the World's Religions to join in Dismantling Supremacies Conversations. Click here for the Video.
A Peacemaker Team in Sri Lanka sitting at desks working together
An IP Team training session in Kandy, Sri Lanka

Build an Interfaith Peacemaker Team

Your Basic Training prepares you to build an IP Team in your local community. Now with the virtual trainings we are also able build Virtual IP Teams. Leadership in an IP Team requires Advanced Training. In Bangladesh, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Uganda, these two-day trainings take place at central locations. In time, we will add Advanced Training in the virtual IP Team trainings.

about IP Teams

Make Peace Work

Interfaith Peacemaker Teams engage the best resources within every community to help turn the tide of extremist violence to create a new season of peaceful cooperation. You can become a team member - through your voice, your involvement, and your financial support!
Donate to Omnia

OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership 

5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL  60615, USA