About Us

Who We Are

The OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership trains religious and civil society leaders -- clergy and lay, women, men and young people -- to form Interfaith Peacemaker (IP) Teams. It trains them to collaborate across identities, build power, and act only on urgent, relevant, and winnable issues that arise from the ground in their communities, ensuring consistent victories.

OMNIA has trained over 6500 peacemakers and formed them into 325 IP Teams in 8 countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Togo, and Uganda. Each team has approximately 20 religious and civic leaders.

OMNIA was established in 1976 as the Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE). An organization of 12 Christian seminaries, it trained seminary students to take the context of the city seriously, and to build theologies from the bottom up. After 40 years of training thousands of pastors in contextual theologies and methods, SCUPE decided to take its learning to religious leaders across the world. With this expanded mission, in December 2016 SCUPE changed its name to OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership.

OMNIA’s Mission is as follows:

By 2027, OMNIA will train 20,000 peacemakers, and build 1000 Interfaith Peacemaker Teams in 12 countries, to effectively address contextual issues of justice and peace, on its way to becoming a powerful and effective peacemaking movement in the world.

OMNIA is governed by an 8-member independent Board of Directors. Each member has signed a statement declaring that they have no Conflicts of Interest. The board has adopted the following policies:

OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership is registered in the State of Illinois, USA, as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation and operates under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois. In seeking to be transparent in its finances and operations, OMNIA offers this link to its most recent IRS form 990 for public review.

OMNIA has received a Platinum Transparency rating from the nonprofit rating agency GuideStar.

Please click here to read the current Strategic Plan 2024-2027

Please click here to read a statement on OMNIA's Mission, Values and Method.

People in Sri Lanka with hands together in prayer

What We Do

Each Interfaith Peacemaker Team has about 20 faith leaders who are tough-minded and focused, collaborate across identity barriers, build power by organizing people and organizing money and act strategically on critical issues that arise from the ground. The Teams have one-on-one conversations with people in their communities to determine shared self-interests, evaluate the level of power they have and undertake strategic actions that are urgent, relevant and winnable. As a result, they usually win.

As IP Teams win, people are often amazed that age-old antagonism crumble in the face of effective and collaborative action. As a result, IP Teams grow. As they increase in number and impact in a particular locality, the culture shifts from one that affirms or tolerates extremisms to one that celebrates pluralism. IP Teams are a valuable component of a community’s social-infrastructure.

Join Us to Dismantle Supremacy

For the past year, OMNIA has engaged in conversations on supremacy. We want to broaden the conversation to include those with varied identities: religious, race/caste/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, nationality etc.

To participate in the on-going conversation, please sign up below, and we will invite you.

Sign up
Women's Interfaith Peacemaker Team in Kaltungo, Nigeria
A large gathering organized by a women's Interfaith Peacemaker Teams in Kaltungo, Nigeria.

Leadership Team

Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Shanta Premawardhana

Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Nancy Renick

Chief Operating Officer
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Newlove Bobson Atiso

Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

David A. Das

National Coordinator, Bangladesh
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Soraya Deen

Coordinator, Women's Initiatives
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Bishop Kumara Illangasinghe

National Coordinator, Sri Lanka
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Abare Kallah

National Coordinator, Nigeria
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

William Lloyd

Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Evans Nyesi

National Coordinator, Kenya
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Oyergiu Joshua

National Coordinator, Uganda
Profile photo of Omnia Leadership Team member

Franklin Okello

Coordinator Mombasa, Kenya

Board of Directors

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Larry Greenfield (Chair)

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Daniel Conley

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Paul Knitter

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Isaac Laudarji

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Kristen Opalinski

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Shanta Premawardhana

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Renee Regacho-Anaclerio

Profile photo of Omnia Board member

Bishop Munib Younan

Resource Team

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Wesley Ariarajah, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Afri Atiba, D. Min

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Kenneth W. Bensen

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Sharon Ellis-Davis, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Soraya Deen

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Mohamed Elsanousi, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Mary Gonzales

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Jeannine Hill-Fletcher Th.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Débora Junker, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Mary Nelson, Ph.D.

Profile photo of Omnia Resource Team member

Sharon D. Welch, Ph. D.

Make Peace Work

Interfaith Peacemaker Teams engage the best resources within every community to help turn the tide of extremist violence to create a new season of peaceful cooperation. You can become a team member - through your voice, your involvement, and your financial support!
Donate to Omnia

OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership 

5001 S. Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL  60615, USA